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optiquest 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

今天是西洋情人節,洪小宏從昨天就很不要臉到處要禮物    但是可想而知沒人理我,哈哈~
有些人就很『好心』傳個巧克力、花的圖案給我, 雖然只是圖片但還是很高興,其實收不收到禮物似乎不是那麼重要,而是大家的有趣的互動

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optiquest 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jan 26 Thu 2006 14:54
  • 新年

剩下兩天就可以準備過年了   今年沒有領紅包的本錢 只有發紅包的命 

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When the outline of dark blue mountains starts shining as if many of tiny grains of star light decide to finally land after the long night trip, the snow slowly wakes up. As soon as the sun shines over the snow, it remembers how beautiful it can be. With its pure white body, it decorates all of the leafless trees; and now, they look even more romantic than any artificially illuminated trees. With its shiny crystals, it covers the empty fields; and now, they look even more gorgeous than any expensive carpet in the world. Surely, it maybe a little bit of pain to having to get ready for work earlier than usual because of the traffic jam the snow causes. But what we get in return is more than plenty worthy of all the effort. I believe that I was not the only one being moved by the awesome scenery and somehow feeling so warm inside in the morning chill


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ㄧ大早出門 就被水球斥候   弄了ㄧ身濕    唉..........心想今天逃不過了

到學校上班  很平靜的度過一整天 想說沒事  晚上跟同事們去吃飯  連打開

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又到了母親節  今年老爸和老媽剛好出去武陵玩  我剛好就不用回去了

不過還是請老弟買個幫送給老媽     這幾年的母親節對自己而言

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